ArticlesMoviesStoryTeledramas A tribute to Titus Thotawatte adminMay 26, 2021 December 17, 2022 The eighties was a tumultuous decade for reasons we still haven’t come to terms with. For the lack of a better way of putting it, ev... 01.3K00
ArticlesMoviesStoryTeledramas Mohideen Baig: The conscience of a collective adminMay 26, 2021 December 17, 2022 He was not forgotten in his time. In 1956, S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike conferred a Distinguished Citizenship on him. In 1967, he won th... 01.3K00
ArticlesMoviesStoryTeledramas For The Sake Of The Industry – Bertram Nihal adminMay 26, 2021 December 17, 2022 You are a well-respected director and producer and have more than 30 years of experience in audio-visual production; can you elabora... 01.2K00
ArticlesMoviesStoryTeledramas A star that shines against mist-clad Sri Pada adminMay 26, 2021 December 17, 2022 Punya Heedeniya turned 82 on July 31. She was 25 when I first saw her many, many years ago on television, and 78 when I first met he... 01.2K00
ArticlesMoviesStoryTeledramas Sane media culture sans inane mega tele dramas adminMay 26, 2021 December 17, 2022 Being away from the hustle and bustle of our restless lives we all sit in front of the TV to relax. But unfortunately, the question... 01.1K00
Articles Dharmasena Pathiraja: A cinematic icon adminMay 26, 2021 May 26, 2021 There are two names that spring to mind when one thinks about Sinhala cinema directors, Dr. Lester James Peries and Dharmasena Pathi... 00.9K00
Movies Broken Flowers [2005] : A Poignant Journey into the Heart of Regret adminMay 21, 2021 October 21, 2023 “Broken Flowers,” directed by Jim Jarmusch, is a cinematic masterpiece that takes the audience on a deeply introspective... 030000
ArticlesMoviesStoryTeledramas Anula Karunathilaka: The Dhammi of our sensibilities adminMay 6, 2021 December 17, 2022 Anula Karunathilaka is known more than anything else for depicting a lover who, regardless of the decades and generations that have... 03.8K5590
ArticlesMoviesStoryTeledramas Punya Heendeniya’s journeys adminJanuary 11, 2018 December 17, 2022 In 1957, a group of people climbed Sri Pada with cameras, lighting equipment, and strange costumes. They climbed all the way to Maha... 03K8270